Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Full Disclosure: What to Discuss Before You're Intimate

Photo: "Bite of the Lip" Courtesy of Pinterest

So you think you're in love and you are ready to take the relationship to the next level. Or maybe you just want to get your groove on.  Either way, there are some things you should discuss with your partner before getting between the sheets.

  • Status ~ Unprotected sex can lead to some pretty bad consequences, that could lead to Sexually Transmitted Diseases that can cost you your life. So know their status as well as your own. We know that it's an awkward conversation to have, but have the conversation you must.  Make a date of it, go to the clinic together and know your status.
  • Pregnancies ~ Want a real blower? Right after having unprotected sex and you haven't used a contraceptive you start to wonder for the next four weeks if you're pregnant. All of a sudden your feeling nauseas in the morning and fatigued during the day. Remember, condoms and birth control are not 100%. So what's your plan.
  • Sexual Exclusivity ~ Does he think you're in a monogamous relationship? Do you think you're the only one he's making out with? Have the conversation. It's not about pressuring them about just being with you, it's about making safe and informed decisions. Did they use protection with their previous partners? Are they sexually fluid? These are things you need to know.
  • What's Your Preference In the Bedroom ~ It can embarrassing while getting down to the nitty gritty then suddenly your suddenly smacked on your rear end. Hey, I'm not in to that or you might scream "harder!" Whatever your sexual proclivities discuss them before hand or you just might get spanked.

Full Disclosure is key before being intimate with someone. I can be a little awkward but better before the deed than after. Happy Safe Sex!


  1. Can I use this for a cover art for my new RnB single

  2. Can I use this for a cover art for my new RnB single?
