Thursday, December 14, 2017

Commuter Train Chronicles: He's Dandy!

Commuter Train Chronicles:


A Series of Short Stories and Observations

To Make Your Ride a Little More Interesting



Hi fellow commuters, I currently ride the Blue and Silver line metro from Largo Town Center to Federal Center SW in the Washington Metropolitan area.  Sometimes it is uneventful , but more times than not it's a ride to remember.  For those down times (mostly on my morning commute) nothing much happens and I’d just like a short story to get me from point “A” to point “B”. I don’t want anything to involved, nothing to mind provoking, but just a little something to take my mind off the fat guy sleeping next to me snoring in my ear. I swear I can smell his morning breath.

I’ve made several observations during my years riding the train and I’ve made notes in my journal during my trips. Those compilations as well as my love for writing short stories have moved me to write “Commuter Train Chronicles.”  So grab your phones, or print out a story and read away, and before you know it you’ll hear, “Next stop….”

He's A Dandy

He got on the train about two stops in to my morning commute. Either Morgan Boulevard or Addison Road, definitely not Capitol Heights. Nope, not Capitol Heights.

As soon as he stepped on I said to myself "Oh, he's a Dandy."  Wearing a fedora, cashmere button down pencil coat, black suede Salvatore Ferragamo loafers (I could tell by the backwards horse shoe hardware), hounds tooth scarf, leather gloves and a cross body satchel, he sat right beside me. He's a Dandy alright. He smelled delicious, probably wearing Tom Ford "F***ing Fabulous cologne."

He took off his gloves and fedora and fluffed the top and back of his Mohawk and pulled out his iPhone. Yes, I was all up in his business. That's what I do, observe!  It's call "Social Research" damn it.

I side eyed his cell phone and I could tell he was checking his text messages. Reading, chuckling, and responding in that order. One after another. My mind started to wander. No need trying to read the text sideways, my eyes just aren't that good. Why doesn't he have a larger font, damn it?!? So I was left to my own devices, creating a plausible scenario in my mind.

He had gone a first date last night with someone he met online, "Grinder". They met for drinks and dinner and neither of them wanted the night to end. They had gone to the restaurant in separate cars just in case there wasn't any chemistry between them, but once seated the heat between them was palpable. You could have seared some scallops with all that heat.

Dandy probably ordered something fancy like a "Martini Neat," because it sounds interesting, and his soon to be conquest probably got a Whiskey straight up. And the drinks and conversation flowed well in to the night.

Suddenly they both realized tomorrow is a work day and they both should be getting home. They argued over the bill, laughed and just decided to split it down the middle. Dandy of course left an outrageous tip on the table. Not only does he dress to impress, he tips to impress as well.

He read another text, chuckled again and began to type.

"Next stop, Federal Center SW." 

Friday, December 8, 2017

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

There are times in our relationships that we reach a crossroad.

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

There are simply some relationships that just won't last.  It's fun for now but do you two have the stuff to endure a loving and lasting relationship. You started out as strangers, fell in love and now time has either moved you closer together or moved you a part.  What to do?

Of course there are some deal breakers and then there will be times when you should work on your relationship. Here a few signs to help you decide to STAY or to GO:

  • They Don't Want to Commit ~ True, they might change their mind and come around, but who knows. Are you willing to wait it out? If you're interested in a serious relationship and they're not, it's probably not going to happen. ~GO~

  • The Romance Dims ~ Sometimes you feel like your more friends than lovers. That's an easy fix. Remind each other why you feel in love. Date each other, do special things for one another, and most importantly communicate your feelings. ~STAY~

  • A Difficult Period ~ Life is about ups and downs. There will be times when you have difficult periods, differences of opinions, and opposing views. That's okay, no one is perfectly matched. If those periods are something you two can work through and get past then the answer is clear. ~STAY~

  • Abuse ~ This one should be a no brainer. If there is any kind of physical, emotional or verbal abuse it's time to ~GO~

Most relationships can overcome challenges as long as you two work together.