Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Do You Snoop On Your Boo?

He left his laptop open while he went to the gym. What the ........?  He said he was working on his taxes. These don't look like tax returns to me.  Who the hell is "Wanna Kiss Ya Mista".

She steps in to the shower and has left her cell phone on the dresser and it starts to buzz. Do you take a look to see who's calling or do you ignore it?  The vibration has it spinning like a top.  I mean who could ignore that? 

The "EXPERTS" say it's never a good idea to snoop on your significant other, and here's why:

  • It Makes You The Untrustworthy One ~ Suppose you don't find a thing, now who's the sneak. It's you. When you're snooping your acting on fear, doubt and insecurity.

  • Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right ~ If you feel like they're hiding something address it. Let them know that when they take the phone in the bathroom when it rings, or put it on silent whenever you're in the room is an issue for you. See if their behavior changes, or maybe they didn't realize that it was a problem for you in the first place.

  • You're Still Suspicious ~ You've checked her emails, you've looked through his phone and didn't find anything. Now what? Is it possible they have a secret phone or a secret email account. You will never be satisfied because if someone doesn't want you to find something, you won't.

  • What If You Do Find Something ~ Now your tasked with knowing the information and having to do something with it. If you say something to them, it's pretty much over and if you don't say anything it's over too.

If you feel the need to snoop, look at yourself, look at your partner, and look at your relationship and decide is this something you really want to do. Chances are there a red flags before you get to that point, and keep your eyes wide open, maybe you'll see something without snooping.

Photos Courtesy of:
Huffington Post